Online features easily the most lag free fighting I’ve experienced. You can then take the lessons learnt into Arcade mode to unlock each characters ending, survival mode to see how long you last, team battle with up an 8v8 on each team or go online. The tutorials in the form of the tongue in cheek Combot mode where you’re programming moves into the character really helps you out. Being able to keep your opponent in the air is paramount to your success. Juggling takes a real centre stage in this edition – more so than usual. It’s been a pleasure finding out how I can be beaten up.

The controls are expertly responsive and the inclusion of breakable walls and floors in some stages also throws up some new ways to cause carnage. You can use throws to get in a cheeky tag move and cause some major damage in. You can just play 1 on 1 if you want to but the tag mechanic is fantastic. This isn’t anything new to fighters as its what the good ones do so well – it’s just with the massive 50+ character base, you’ve got such a choice to set your team up with. Then you’ve got Jack power sitting on your face.

Law however can do tons of quick low power jabs and knock them flat. They can string together a wonderfully complex collection of hits effortlessly.

The beauty in TTT2 is in the balancing of its roster and the fluidity of the moves. Pretty much every main character ever in a Tekken game is there and as alluded to by the bizarre opening CGI made up only by them, there’s more free characters on the way that were initially unlocked if you bought the game at certain stores. I’m so pleased to announce things are very much back to the top of their game with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 – possibly my new favourite fighter of this generation! I’ve always been a huge fan of the Tekken series but number six was my second least favourite only beating four.