+0078 8 2-byte values, supposedly skills assigned to mouse buttons +0038 32 2-byte values, supposedly skills assigned to function keys +0028 character class from b, hopefully matches that of hUnit :) +0027 empty filler to the 2 previous bytes, 0 +0026 empty filler to the 2 previous bytes, 0

(+0024 and +0025 is actually returned as a word from w +0025 acts done (see link in post below for more info) +0024 flags from b, bit 5 (of 0-7) is set by SAVE code if expansion game Note that individual items ALSO has the JM ID as do the Mercenary section if you have one.

"kf", Iron Golem list (expansion char only) "jf", Mercenary section (expansion char only) Note the header's ID is actually a file ID, but you get the idea :) Code: Select all Summary of the various sections.